Yesterday afternoon I caught two interesting/funny service alerts posted at The first one mentions Bowling Green-bound (5) trains, when (5) trains go all the way to Flatbush Av. Oops. The second one describes a low power condition at Grand Av. What’s a “low power condition”, what causes it, and how does it actually affect the trains or signals?

Oops: should say Flatbush Avenue-bound

What's a "low power condition"???
Actually, regarding the 5 line, there IS a Bowling-Green bound 5 train. The 5 train only goes to Flatbush Ave. – Brooklyn College during rush hour:
Now, of course, the question is: if there was maintenance at Prospect Ave. in Brooklyn, not during rush hour, why would that cause delays on the 5 train which wasn’t going into Brooklyn at all? Who knows.
No, that webpage has not been updated. Download the (5) schedule and take a look – during middays most of the trains now go to Flatbush Av.
No, the Prospect Avenue station is in the Bronx. It affected Brooklyn-bound trains in the Bronx.
Ah, I stand corrected.
I naturally assumed Prospect Ave. was in Brooklyn, given that’s where Prospect Park is. 🙂
Although the news that the 5 is now running to Flatbush Ave. full-time is quite nice!
No problem.
Look up on the wall near the token booths in the stations you pass through – you might see a poster about the extended
“Low power condition”
HA I was thinking the same thing when I saw that a couple days ago!
Low power means that they not getting the full 600 volts DC in that section of 3rd rail. As a result trains can’t operate at “normal”speed